
来源:转载 发布时间:2020-04-15 浏览量:3425 二维码

本文根据联合国秘书处人力资源管理厅人力资源官员伊娃·詹森(Eva JANSEN)、联合国开发计划署JPO服务中心项目专家让·吕克·马塞兰(Jean-Luc MARCELIN)、联合国儿童基金会人力资源处人力资源官员肖力源和联合国志愿人员组织中国办公室主任张楠在复旦大学参加FDG2IO Lecture活动整理得出。主要介绍了联合国系统的简历(CV)、申请信(Cover Letter)等相关信息。

Part 1



Do not set limitations to yourself because of your major: for example, the knowledge and skills gained in a BA in literature and culture can be applied to multiple fields and occupations.




Who I am and what I am good at: A lot of people, they don't really know who they are, what they represent, what they can bring to the job, and what they can bring to the organization. It's important that you look at yourself and find what your interest is.




What I know about the job and the organization: Very important. Pay attention to detail when you look through the job opening. Apply for things that you are qualified for.


Part 2








You should read all the job descriptions thoroughly and pay attention to all the requirements, including working experience, languages and so on to make sure that you are eligible for the position and remember to show your eligibility in your resume.



注意一些词或短语,如“其他相关学科(other relevant discipline)”、“必需的(required)”、“可取的(desirable)”。

Pay attention to words or phrases such as “other relevant discipline”, “required”, “desirable”.


Part 3






有序地展示你的经历:在来自联合国绝大多数的空缺职位中,经历要求都是循序渐进的。不要忽视“循序渐进(progressively)”这个词。你从实习生开始,之后进入体系成为正式员工,然后成为团队领导。在你的简历中指出这一过程很重要。联合国想雇用有上进心的人,有不断成长意愿的人,有志于担负领导责任的人。因为当你为联合国工作时, 在任何情况下都需要你站出来代表组织发声。联合国期待这样的人。

To show your experience progressively: In most ninety nine percent of job openings that come from the United Nations will see the experience requirement progressively. Don't overlook that word progressively. You started as an intern, you got in the system, you became a regular staff member, and then you became team leader. Point that out in your resume. It's important because the UN want to hire people who are interested in moving forward, who are interested in developing themselves, who are interested in taking the lead, because in any kind of situation when you work for the United Nations, you will need to stand up and be the one who speaks for the organization, be the one who takes decisions. The UN looks forward to people like that.




Fill all fields as much as possible in order to let the HR know you as much as possible: Be detailed about what you have done and try to give the full scope, such as how many people, what scale of the conference. However, you don’t have to write down everything you've done, only write things that are valid for the job. The HR would only have 8 seconds in average for one CV. Therefore, try to make it as concise as possible and at the same time, write down necessary details.




Result-based CV: highlight what your function meant beyond the title, using concreate achievements and figures (budget size, number of partners involved, etc.)


Part 4


申请信(Cover Letter)是什么呢?要如何写好一封申请信?




1. 注意礼貌:联合国系统招募人员喜欢被人直呼其名,而不喜欢被人亲切地称呼为“亲爱的先生/女士”。

1. Try to be polite: The UN recruiter prefer to be called by name rather than just Dear Sir/Madam.


2. 以简短的自我介绍开始。

2. Begin with a very short summary of who you are.


3. 结构:以兴趣陈述开头,总结资格、经验和能力,以简短的概述结尾。

3. Structure: open with states of interest, summarize qualifications, experience and competencies, close with a brief recap


4. 找一个母语是英语(或法语)的人来通读你的信:根据你是用英语还是法语写的,找一个母语是英语或法语的人来通读你的信。

4. Find a native speaker to look through your letter: Depending on whether you write it in English or French, find an English or French mother speaker to look through your letter.


5. 自信:联合国招聘人员会很高兴看到求职者自信的句子,例如: I believe with above experience, I could make a significant and valuable contribution。

5. Be confident: the UN recruiter would be very happy to see sentences showing the applicant’s confidence, for example: I believe that with above experience, I could make a significant and valuable contribution.


6. 展示你的特长和动力:在求职信中写上你的独特之处和你想要这份工作的原因。是什么让HR聘用你而不是其他人?你有什么特别之处?

6. Show your specialties and motivation: Write what makes you unique and why you want that job in your cover letter. What is it that makes HR hire you and not somebody else? What is so special about you?


7. 不要重复:把重点放在你过去经历中与你申请的职位相关的关键因素上

7. Do not repeat your CV: focus on the key elements from your experience that are relevant to the position you are applying for.



Show your drive and commitment


Watch out spelling mistakes!


Spell out acronyms!


One page maximum!

本文转自 复旦管院职业发展中心公众号

(编辑 Cecilia)